Cell Organelle Functions

Nucleus: Controls all actions of the cell
Nuclear Membrane: It is a double membrane that surrounds the nucleus
Mitochondria: Small organelles that transfer energy from organic molecules to ATP.
Cytoplasm: The region of the cell that includes the fluid, cytoskeleton and all organelles except the nucleus.
Lysosomes: Contains digestive enzymes; it buds from the Golgi Apparatus 
Vacoules: Stores nutrients for the cell
Ribosomes: Composed of RNA and protein; site of protein synthesis
Centrioles: Composed of two short microtubules at right angles; plays a main role in Mitosis
Rough ER: Produces phospholipids and proteins
Smooth ER: It builds lipids   
Plastids: Surrounded by a double membrane and contain their own DNA (leucoplasts, chromoplasts, and chloroplasts) 
Golgi Apparatus: Helps transport materials out of the cell.
Cilia:Hairlike structures that extend from the surface of the cell; assist in movement 
Flagella: Hairlike structures that extend from the surface of the cell; assist in movement 
Cell Membrane: Regulates what enters and exits the cell 
Cell Wall: Provides suppport
Cytoskeleton: Plays a major role in movement, shape, and division