All About Cells

    All living things are made up of one or more cells. Without cells, all living organisms would dissipate. The first cell to ever be observed was the cork cell by Robert Hooke in 1665. As time went on, the devolopment of the microscope helped scientists out tremendously. With the advancement of the telescope, scientists were able to discover prokaryote and eukaryote cells, as well as animal and plant cells.
     There are many two major types of cells: prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Prokaryotes are mainly bacteria and archaebacteria that do not have a membrane-bound nucleus nor any membrane-bound organelles. On the other hand eukaryotes are cells that contain a membrane-bound nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, such as plant and animal cells.
     Plant and animal cells are both eukaryotic cells. Even though they are both eukaryotic, there are many differences between them. For example, a plant cell has a cell wall, an animal cell does not. There are several similarities as well. For instance, both cells have a cell membrane and a nucleus.