Animal Cells vs. Plant Cells

    Animal cells are a type of eukaryotic cell. Animal cells contain a nucleus, nucleolus, mitochondria, a nuclear envelope, ribosomes-free and attached-rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulums, Golgi bodies, as well as several other organelles. Those are just some of the major organelles. An animal cell only has a cell membrane not a cell wall. This is because these cells are protected inside our body and they do not need to keep a certain structure. Animals cells also have a centriole. This organelle is only found in animal cells not plant cells. This organelle plays a main role in mitosis for the animal cells.
    Plant cells on the other hand are quite similar, but do have differences. Plant cells have every organelle that an animal cell has except for a centriole. In contrary, there are organelles that plant cells have that animal cells do not; such as plastids (leucoplasts, chromoplasts, and chloroplasts), a central vacuole, and a cell wall. A central vacuole is needed to store water for the plant to live. Chloroplasts play a main role in photosynthesis; leucoplasts are a starch that is stored in organelles; chromoplasts are plastids that contain colorful pigments and they may or may not take part in photosynthesis. A cell wall is needed for a plant cell to uphold its structure. This organelle keeps the plant cell from dying.
Comparison of plant cell (left) and animal cell (right).